Sunday, November 9, 2014

Stone Pale Ale

     Before buying this beer I was a little skeptical, because pale ale style beers can usually be a little bland. After a few good reviews and trusting in my love for Stone Brewing I ended up adding it to my six-pack. I wasn’t disappointed with this beer, but I wasn’t overwhelmed either. It was honestly decent at best. I would say it fell right in line with other pale ales I have tried in the past, great for drinking a bunch of beer or all day drinking. It wasn’t too heavy and didn’t pack your mouth full of flavor like an IPA. Lindsey ended up really enjoying this beer because it paired really well with her loaded down hamburger, which I think is what this beer was intended to do. The color is a light tan, not brown but not golden either. The smell was that of a very light amber ale. While it had more of smell than a pilsner does, it was still a very light smell. I would recommend this beer for maybe going out and drinking a beer with your heavy lunch, or sitting around watching a 2:30 football game and pairing with a bunch of snack foods.  This being said, I wouldn’t say Stone messed up with this beer, I would just say it isn’t really for me.

Brand: Stone Brewing Co.
Style: Pale
Size: 12 oz
Alc/Vol: 5.4%
PBP Score: 7.3
L’s Score: 7.1

New Belgium Fat Tire

     Fat Tire is probably my favorite beer I know I can get anywhere. If I go to a restaurant or a small bar that doesn’t have a large beer selection, this beer is usually on it. It is a very popular beer by none craft beer drinkers, which I think is good because it means more people could branch out and not order a Bud or Miller light. I think if people try this beer more people would maybe look into other beers New Belgium has so offer and try a style beer they weren’t planning on. I think this is a great gateway beer. What I mean is if you are thinking about trying a beer you don’t see plastered all over TV or advertised at every sports game, but are not really sure what you like or where to go, this beer is perfect. This is a medium amber ale style, not to dark and not to light. Fat Tire makes it easy to branch away from a popular pilsner and try something new. I think that is what I like most about this beer: the availability and the quality are not something you normal see with every company. I honestly love the flavor of this beer. It is very easy to drink, but still offers a great flavor. The smoothness and refreshing taste is something that I feel is key in amber ale. Without that you really are not getting anything out of your beer you wouldn’t get out of a branded pilsner. I Usually drink an amber style with a meal, or when eating a lot of different flavors, because I feel it pairs so well with them and still has a flavor unlike most pale ales I have tried. While fat tire is not the darkest amber ale it still has a brown color over some other more orange beers I have seen in the amber department. When poured correctly it doesn’t usually have much a head, which speaks for its flavor. I think New Belgium has done a great job with this beer and I must give credit to there marketing team, to have Fat Tire this available and popular while still staying away from terrible beer ads that bring down the creditability of the company is something to be very appreciated.

Brand: New Belgium
Style: Amber Ale
Size: 12 oz
Alc/Vol: 5.2%
PBP Score: 9
L’s Score: 8.3

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Abita Imperator Black IPA

     Lindsey's best friend works at Abita, so of course we try every single beer they come out with. However, because we are such good friends doesn't mean I "love" Abita products.  I have honestly only tried two Abita beers I really like and would buy again. Until now. This Black IPA is very good. I have had a few other black IPA's before and they didn't blow me away. Although I wouldn't say this one did either, what I will say is that it did stick out to me a little more than others have in the past. It was thick, flavorful and full-bodied. The only thing I would say is that the usual taste of an IPA is refreshing, but this beer isn't really that. I feel the thickness of the beer makes that so. The color is black with slight hints of dark redish brown running through them. More black taking over than anything else though. The smell is that of a stout over an IPA. I really did love how it was subtle. A strong smelling beer is always great, but sometimes it doesn't leave much to the imagination, I'm glad this one did.

Brand: Abita Brewing Co.
Style: Black IPA
Size: 22oz
Alc/vol: 8%
PBP Score: 8.2
L's Score: 8

Happy Camper IPA

     This one will probably be shorter than most of my post because as you can see I only split a 12oz can. The thing about the Happy Camper I really didn't enjoy was how hoppy the flavor was. I almost couldn't drink another beer after this one, because I was too afraid they would all taste like it, because it had such a strong flavor. I have never had a product buy this company and I am sorry to say I was not impressed. It was so strong and overwhelming I couldn't even enjoy drinking a beer. Each sip was packed with so much hoppy flavor that it was truly hard to drink. I wasn't refreshed buy this beer or happy with it. You can see by the head of this beer that it is so full of body that it is almost as tall as the liquid. The smell was also so intense you almost had to put it down before you took your sip because of how strong it smelled. 

Brand: Santa Fe Brewing Co.
Style: IPA
Size: 12oz
Alc/vol: 6.6
PBP Score: 5.1

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Unapologetic IPA

     The Collaboration's Stone has done in the past are usually hit or miss. I have had some that I wish I could drink all year round and some that I'm okay with them only being limited. This one, I really hope they don't take it away before I can stock up. It was fantastic. It's light and fruity with a heavy IPA taste. It was almost a little too much hop for me, but with every sip I took I got more and more used to the flavor. It was almost overwhelming, more so than any Stone product I have had before, but it never quite did overwhelm me. I wish that I could get a beer like this in every IPA I try. A strong hop flavor without taking over your entire taste buds. The strong smell could honestly be used to let everyone know what a "hop" smells like. The smell that I love in almost every beer I try. It was super refreshing and easy to drink, but I think a full six pack would have been a little much for me, kinda like the Stone go-to IPA. One full bomber was the perfect amount of beer for me. I truly think this beer will satisfy everyone who try's it. Stone, I am your biggest fan.

Brand: Stone Brewing Co.
Style: IPA
Size: 22oz
Alc/vol: 8.8
PBP Score: 9.2
L's Score: 8.7

Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Black IPA

     Every time I stop by the store I notice this awesome bottle by Stone. I have had a couple black IPA's before and while they are good, they are just usually not refreshing or completely my style. I usually put it back on the shelf and get a true IPA or a stout, but tonight was different, I was going to give it a shot and I honestly can't believe it has taken me so long to try this beer. It has one of the best flavors I have ever had. It truly taste like a well rounded IPA and has a nice, dark aftertaste of malt. The white head on the beer shows that while it may look black, it has truly a nice and refreshing taste. I couldn't get over how much I enjoyed this beer. The smell was nice and malty with a hit of bitter hops, and the aftertaste may actually be better than the first taste. As soon as the beer is swallowed you get a deep, rich malt flavor. The IPA side of this beer is "there" but not over powering, which is good because two strong flavors usually means overwhelming, but these two pair together flawlessly. I would tell anyone and everyone to grab this beer. If you are thinking about tying Stone I would say grab an IPA, specifically a Sublimely Black IPA, and you will be hooked on  all Stone products.

Brand: Stone Brewing Co.
Style: Black IPA
Size: 22oz
Alc/vol: 8.7
PBP Score: 9.8

Abita Bourbon Street Imperial Stout

     This beer just hit the stores and our best friend couldn't stop talking about it and insisting that we try it. So I went out today and grabbed one, and I must say that this beer is very good. Not the best bourbon aged Stout I have had, but still pretty good. The bourbon flavor is nice and relevant but not so in your face that you forget you are drinking beer. The part that I don't love about this beer is the very strong malt chocolate flavor that I taste. I don't usually mind a chocolate flavor, but I wasn't super happy with these two flavors together. I think that Abita is working hard on becoming a very reputable craft beer company. I feel big websites like rate my beer and beer advocate give this a hard time, but I think this beer is a really promising start to making some incredible beers. The smell is nice and whisky like, with a melted chocolate flavor infused in it. The smell and color of this beer go together very well. It had a deep smell that reminds me of an after dinner coffee, but then it hits you with a truly beer flavor. Abita has done a great job on this beer and I look forward to the rest of the products they put out in the future. Drink local!

Brand: Abita Brewing Co.
Style: Imperial Stout aged in bourbon barrels 100%. 
Size: 22oz
Alc/vol: 10
PBP Score: 7.6
L's Score: 7.5